

2023年a股ai趋势 2023年2月复盘的人工智能股

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2023年11月20日 每日一猜答案: 答案:ABC




  从盘面上看,沪深两市个股跌多涨少,亏钱效应明显。从板块涨跌幅上看,ML Ops概念领涨,半导体产业链、贵金属等涨幅居前;ChatGPT概念领跌,数字经济主题跌幅居前。近期主线热点方面,分化极为明显,具体来看,养殖业窄幅震荡修复超买;半导体长阳上行,但是超买并不严重;通信设备、6G稳步走高,稳定在强势区中,且无超买;影视院线中阴回撤,破10日线;互联网电商,中阴回撤,破20日线关键支撑位;机器人小幅反弹,但还困在均线束内;算力、信创小幅回撤,但还稳定在5热线之上的强势区中;CPO中阳上行,超买加剧;ChatGPT长阴下跌,收在10日线附近。




















3. Be specific, descriptive and as detailed as possible about the desired context, outcome, length,


本文属于必读系列 ,看完之后你就立马搞懂啥叫zero shot ,few shot 等等

Due to the way the instruction-following models are trained or the data they are trained on, there are specific prompt formats that work particularly well and align better with the tasks at hand. Below we present a number of prompt formats we find work reliably well, but feel free to explore different formats, which may fit your task best.

Note: the "{text input here}" is a placeholder for actual text/context

For best results, we generally recommend using the latest, most capable models. As of No【【微信】】, the best options are the “text-da【【微信】】” model for text generation, and the “code-da【【微信】】” model for code generation.

Less effective ?:

【【微信】】w as a bullet point list of the most important points.{text input here}

Better ?:

【【微信】】w as a bullet point list of the most important points.Text: """{text input here}"""

Be specific about the context, outcome, length, format, style, etc

Less effective ?:


Better ?:

Write a short inspiring poem about OpenAI, focusing on the recent DALL-E product launch (DALL-E is a text to image ML model) in the style of a {famous poet}

Less effective ?:

【【微信】】ntioned in the text below. Extract the following 4 entity types: company names, people names, specific topics and themes.Text: {text}

Show, and tell - the models respond better when shown specific format re【【微信】】. This also makes it easier to programmatically parse out multiple outputs reliably.

Better ?:

Extract the important entities mentioned in the text below. First extract all company names, then extract all people names, then extract specific topics which fit the content and finally extract general o【【微信】】red format:Company names: <comma_separated_list_of_company_names>People names: -||-Specific topics: -||-General themes: -||-Text: {text}

? Zero-shot

Extract keywords from the below text.Text: {text}Keywords:

? Few-shot - pro【【微信】】s

Extract keywords from the corresponding texts below.Text 1: Stripe pro【【微信】】lopers can use to integrate payment processing into their websites and mobile applications.Keywords 1: Stripe, payment processing, APIs, web de【【微信】】, websites, mobile applications##Text 2: OpenAI has trained cutting-edge language models that are 【【微信】】ing and generating text. Our API pro【【微信】】dels and can be used to sol【【微信】】at involves processing language.Keywords 2: OpenAI, language models, text processing, API.##Text 3: {text}Keywords 3:

?Fine-tune: see fine-tune best practices here.

Less effective ?:

【【微信】】s product should be fairly short, a few sentences only, and not too much more.

Better ?:

Use a 3 to 5 sentence paragraph to describe this product.

Less effective ?:

【【微信】】rsation between an Agent and a Customer. DO NOT ASK USERNAME OR PASSWORD. DO NOT REPEAT.Customer: I can’t log in to my account.Agent:

Better ?:

【【微信】】rsation between an Agent and a Customer. The agent will attempt to diagnose the problem and suggest a solution, whilst refraining from asking any 【【微信】】. Instead of asking for PII, such as username or password, refer the user to the help article www.samplewebsite.com/help/fa【【微信】】: I can’t log in to my account.Agent:

Less effective ?:

# 【【微信】】nction that# 1. Ask me for a number in mile# 2. It con【【微信】】rs

In this code example below, adding “import” hints to the model that it should start writing in Python. (Similarly “SELECT” is a good hint for the start of a S【【微信】】.)

Better ?:

# 【【微信】】nction that# 1. Ask me for a number in mile# 2. It con【【微信】】rs import

Generally, we find that and are the most commonly used parameters to alter the model output.

  1. - Higher performance models are more expensi【【微信】】cy.

  2. - A measure of how often the model outputs a less likely token. The higher the , the more random (and usually creative) 【【微信】】. This, however, is not the same as “truthfulness”. For most factual use cases such as data extraction, and truthful Q&A, 【【微信】】.

  3. (maximum length) - Does not control the length of 【【微信】】, but a hard cutoff limit for token generation. Ideally you won’t hit this limit often, as your model will stop either when it thinks it’s finished, or when it hits a stop se【【微信】】.

  4. (stop sequences) - A set of characters (tokens) that, when generated, will cause the text generation to stop.

For other parameter descriptions see the API reference.

If you're interested in additional resources, we recommend:

  • Guides

    • Text completion - learn how to generate or edit text using our models

    • Code completion - explore prompt engineering for Codex

    • Fine-tuning - Learn how to train a custom model for your use case

    • Embeddings - learn how to search, classify, and compare text

    • Moderation

  • OpenAI cookbook repo - contains example code and prompts for accomplishing common tasks with the API, including 【【微信】】th Embeddings

  • Community Forum